Scottish businesses looking to enter US market targeted by Edinburgh 'boot camp'
This was the headline of the Scotsman article that launched a partnership with Sloan Growth Strategies of Boston . Scottish businesses looking to enter the US market are being targeted after the launch of a first-of-its-kind “boot camp” called New England Unlocked.
Alice & I see that many mid-sized, high-growth Scottish businesses are eager to expand overseas but are struggling for support on execution.
The programme is a result of collaboration between Fortro, which supports companies with revenue optimisation, innovation and technology change, and Alice Sloan of Sloan Growth Strategies, which supports mid-sized international and domestic companies to grow in the US.
New England Unlocked will initially be delivered in Edinburgh, but will be expanded to cover the rest of Scotland and the UK, and is aimed at companies ready to expand internationally.
Scottish executives are eager to kickstart growth internationally. As we emerge from the pandemic, many companies have transformed their approach and want to create sustainable outcomes. Now is the time for distinctive companies who have a global mindset and bold ideas to move forward with their plans.
Sean McGrath, chief executive of Entrepreneurial Scotland, said: “This programme is responding to the post-pandemic desire to continue the great legacy of Scottish entrepreneurship on an international level.”
The greater Boston metropolitan area is a hub of innovation and recognised globally for its expertise in education, technology and life sciences.