Walking the Talk - Literally!!!
On Tuesday I took part in a Walkshop, facilitated by the brilliant Dave Stewart, where some of my awesome Cohort from the Conscious Capitalist Catalyst Programme, run by Entrepreneurial Scotland, came together in person, for the first time...! To say I was excited to take part was an understatement. Real people, talking, walking, being outside after months of restrictions and in my favourite place in Scotland - my cup runneth over.
Our purpose was to come together over Conscious Leadership, and discuss how we could and are weaving this leadership philosophy into our business worlds.
Conscious businesses are galvanised by a purpose that aligns and integrates the interests of all their major stakeholders, as well as financial success. They bring a complete awareness of themselves and others. It goes beyond values, it's about intention and is something that has been a big part of my approach to commerce for many years.
Reflection and inquiry into one’s own leadership offering is also a major part of conscious leadership. We have all met leaders who are very focused on their vision, and their profit plans and have a very autocratic leadership style. And this lead to success. For them. The difference is, by practising regular reflection around "Am I doing the right thing for, and by, my clients and those I interact with across commerce?", it brings success for all.
Back home, I started to really explore what "strategy" would look like in relation to conscious leadership thinking and how could I bring that to my clients in the everyday?
I found this definition strategy - "an adaptation or complex of adaptations (as of behavior, metabolism, or structure) that serves, or appears to serve, an important function in achieving evolutionary success ". And I have to say, I really like this. I think it answers my question really well.
For me, commerce, is an iterative process. It's about participation and forward momentum. It's about prospering and gaining knowledge that allows for, and facilitates, the next evolutionary success of the organisation I am working for. As such conscious leadership permeates every area of my business. It's ingrained into the DNA.
So how do I bring conscious leadership to Strategy? By weaving it in, through small adaptations, not only helping create responsive businesses from the top down, but also from the bottom up, across the whole organisation's eco-system, while keeping all the moving parts in sync. I bring it by facilitating the creation of a common intention beyond that of profit. If all within the business behave and act with a common intention, and they are clear how they can contribute and where their influence is to elevate that intention, then I will feel I have brought a level of conscious leadership to that business.
The questions posed during the Walkshop were provocative and revealing and allowed us to really explore how we would being this philosophy to light and life within our businesses. The end of the day came all too soon, but it came with a commitment and an accountability for next steps we would each take. Everyone knows that when you get a great team of people together, with diverse thoughts, then great things start to happen. And I think our Cohort is testament to that. Roll on the next cohort walkshop