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How To Plan & Implement Your Strategic Business Growth

Last week I took part in a love session with Laura Rubentein and Kyna B. And it was so much fun!

We discussed what tips we have for SMEs and Entrepreneurs in a year that has seen so much change.

Kyna was amazing and shared that it was important to learn to let go and delegate effectively! When you delegate effectively you have confirmed with the person you are delegating to that they are (1) willing AND (2) able to do the work. Ask questions like: Are you able to work on this with what you have? Do you have any questions? Do you need anything else to complete this? Are you able to complete this in a particular timeframe?

As for me, I share with the audience five things I believe that will help businesses through the coming months:

1 - Get a benchmark. Make sure your team has a clear idea of what a great team looks like.
2 - Practice decision intelligence - Look at trends and data but ensure they make most sense based on your strategy, markets, customers and revenue model
3 - Know your pies - potential, importance, ease and score
4 - Be a client whisperer
5 - Relinquish control to take control - get a good team, virtual or physical to be able to delegate to increase capacity, else you will stay exactly where you are.

To hear these tips, and stories of how other clients met the challenge of this year, tune into the recording here:

And if what I’m talking about resonates, reach out to set up an initial consultation here:

Can’t wait to talk with you.
